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Dear UFCW member,

We continue to meet with Kroger and your sister UFCW locals across the south for a contract you deserve and remain committed to protecting you and your family.

And as we continue to work for better solutions, we ask that you continue sharing with us your workplace concerns and personal stories.

Stories like Candace’s, a mom of four, who has to split up her children’s doctor visits because they are more expensive now that she’s been forced on the K Plan. Watch Candace’s and other members’ stories here:

Every single story and concern you share with us, helps us when we meet with Kroger. It lets us point to the very real issues our members go through and the facts of how you are impacted. It helps us push for a contract with better protections, pay, and benefits.

Hearing from you is incredibly important. That’s why we need more members to stand up and speak out:

We will keep you updated as we move forward.

Thank you for all that you do,

Brandon Hopkins
UFCW Local 455 President

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