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Dear Local 455 Kroger Members,

Your rank-and-file bargaining committee, made up workers just like you, reports not enough progress has been made on your new Union contract and recommends the scheduling of a vote to authorize the committee to call a strike. As a reminder, the strike vote is just a day away and will be held from 2 PM to 8 PM at the HFRRF Greer and Lowdermilk Conference Center, located at 4225 Interwood N. Pkwy., Houston, TX 77032. Local Union staff, Shop Stewards, and your 2024 bargaining committee will be at the vote if you would like more information before voting. You must be a Union member to vote.

Our hardworking members are what makes Kroger Houston successful and now more than ever we need a strong Union contract that rewards your hard-work and puts all of our members in a good position to have a thriving and productive future at Kroger. One job should be enough, workers should be able to afford their groceries, and qualify and afford healthcare. Simply put, we are just not there yet. We hope you join us at the strike vote on the 18th to take a stand for a better life.

If you are a Shop Steward and would like to signup for a ride for this years conference, please click the link below.

Kroger Stewards Van Transportation Sign up Form

To get to know your bargaining committee better, please click the link below.

Your 2024 Kroger Negotiations Bargaining Committee

To view the strike vote notice for Houston area stores and all related information, please click the link below.

[Voting has ended]


We look forward to seeing all of our members on the 18th and working together we can and will make Kroger a better place to work.


In Solidarity,

Your UFCW Local 455 Kroger Houston Bargaining Committee & Local Union President Brandon Hopkins