As part of our commitment to keep you and all our UFCW members informed, we want you to know that your union bargaining team, including fellow union Kroger co-workers, met with Kroger on November 17. We made it clear to Kroger that Houston workers like you have earned and deserve hazard pay and affordable healthcare that you control – not healthcare the company controls.
We also made it clear to Kroger that eliminating employee-controlled health care will not only lead to higher healthcare costs, but that it is nothing more than a backdoor wage cut that will force workers to pay more for the healthcare they and their families depend on – now more than ever.
To date, Kroger is choosing to ignore you and your co-workers’ concerns and the fact that your hard work and sacrifice is what makes them a success.
The Facts You & Your Co-Workers Should Know
- We’ve heard the real concerns many Kroger workers have about the record increase of COVID-19 cases in the area and the importance of healthcare costs that you control.
- Eliminating employee-controlled healthcare plans, in the middle of a worsening pandemic, makes no logical sense.
- Kroger’s healthcare plan will make it more expensive for you to use your healthcare.
- Seeing your doctor, refilling a prescription, or taking a trip to the emergency room will cost more under Kroger’s plan.
- Simply put, Kroger’s plan pushes the cost of healthcare onto you.
While Kroger pretends there will be no change to your coverage or costs, here are just some of the key facts you and your co-workers deserve to know:
The Real Cost of Kroger’s Company-Controlled ‘K-Plan’:
#1: Higher Out-Of-Pocket Maximums
Your current plan: $4,000 – $9,000
Kroger’s plan: $7,900 – $31,600
#2: Higher Prescription Costs
Your current plan: $5 for generic, $50 + 20% for specialty, and $5 – $125 for mail order prescriptions
Kroger’s plan: $10 – $40 for generic, up to $400 for specialty, and up to $250 on mail order prescriptions
#3 More Costly Emergency Room Visits
Your current plan: $100 + co-insurance
Kroger’s plan: $300 + co-insurance
To help protect you, and the better wages & affordable healthcare you deserve, here are three things you can do today:
First, sign up for your South Central healthcare.
Please know your South Central Healthcare plan is open and operational.
In fact, UFCW members in Dallas, Houston, Louisiana, and Arkansas are all actively enrolling in your South Central employee-controlled healthcare. You deserve to be treated the same, so please sign up for the plan you’ve earned.
Second, sign up for blast text negotiation updates.
We want to make sure you are the first to learn of what Kroger is proposing, what the facts are, and what we plan to do to protect you and your fellow UFCW members.
Third, please tell you co-workers to do the same.
The simple fact is we are stronger when we all stand together.
And please remember to reach out to us at (281) 448-5555 if you have questions or concerns.
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