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At this critical point in the pandemic, UFCW welcomes President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. As COVID-19 cases skyrocket across the country, UFCW is calling on Republicans and Democrats in Congress to work together on President Biden’s agenda to take control of the pandemic and protect essential workers, including more than a million UFCW members on the frontlines in grocery stores, meatpacking plants and other critical jobs keeping Americans safe.

“Today is a new day, and all Americans must unite behind President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as they prepare to lead our country through unprecedented challenges.

Regardless of who any of us voted for, now is the time to heal and bridge our political divisions. We are all Americans first, and we must join together to wish President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris success – for their success will ensure the success of this great nation."

Marc PerroneUFCW International President

The right to vote is an essential foundation of our country’s democracy. Ordinary men and women have fought—and even died—to protect the people’s right to vote, without coercion or interference. Yet states across the country continue to pass voter suppression laws designed to limit our voices.

We in America have the most unique election processes in all of the world. Nobody can force you to vote or punish you for not voting. If you wish to vote and then, go no further, you may. However, if you wish to become really involved in electing government representatives who will work on our behalf, you have that opportunity as well.

We urge all members of Local 455 to be as politically active as their time and circumstances permit. Each election season we have the opportunity to elect government officials who enact and enforce legislation on all levels of government which affect all of us. Voting is the manner in which we, the people, have a voice in choosing government officials to represent us. We urge you to make your voice heard!