Statement from UFCW Local 455 President W. Brandon Hopkins on the Death of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:
“UFCW Local 455 members mourn the loss of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Jackson Lee was a trailblazer who, throughout her thirty-year career, fought for equal rights and opportunities among minority groups such as Black Americans, women and children, immigrants and the LGBTQIA community. Jackson Lee pioneered the decades long fight to establish Juneteenth as a federal holiday and helped lead the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. From her local accomplishments at Houston’s City Hall to national victories in the Halls of Congress we will never forget her advocacy for social justice.
Jackson Lee was a champion for union rights, women’s rights and voting rights and UFCW Local 455 will continue to fight for justice, in her honor, for our members, our community and the nation.”